  • 期刊


Matter and Spirit, God and Nature in the Christian Vision




自然宗教 實在 虛無 啟示 永恆 拜物教 禁忌 偶像 巫術 圖騰


The Chinese gods involved in this paper include miscellaneous worship, fortunetelling, divination, geomancy, witchcraft, taboo, clan lineage, totem worship, blood tribe worship, primitive fetishism, idolatry, ancestor worship, nature worship, bad customs on festivals and worships to ancestors, all of which belong to folk nature worship, primitive religion, and are in opposition to Christianity. In a true religion, the material world is pure nothingness, and God is the real being.Religions associated with supernatural beliefs should keep their distance from the physical world.The spiritual world is out of step with the material world.The world's major religious beliefs and their doctrines are very different from the primitive religious nature worship.In a world where materialism prevails, the fight against primitive fetishism is particularly important.Idolatry, fetishism, mixed gods, ancestor worship, door god, god of wealth, kitchen God, land God, holiday customs, totem worship, all belong to natural religion, prehistoric remains.Lacking pure spirit, natural religion takes natural things and natural forces as its worship object and widely exists in ancient primitive society.Natural religions worship natural things and natural forces themselves directly as objects with a will.Primitive totem and natural religion in the state of nature are opposed to historical religion.Folk primitive religion and divine revelation religion are opposite.Christianity and Judaism are Revelations from God. They are revelation religions.Christianity is the bane of material fetishism.You cannot live for God and money at the same time.No man can serve two masters.The relationship between Christianity and Chinese culture is full of tension and critical interaction.The religious totem, primitive taboo and superstition of the early people have become common problems.The distinction between the material and the spiritual is an essential characteristic of philosophy and religion.The God of Christianity is the spirit, pure spirit, spirit, spirit, soul, immaterial, no body , there is always, no beginning, no end, everywhere, always or already.Disputes over etiquette can be a tragedy for a nation and its subjects.The misplaced "God" is misused in the Christian translation of "God"."God" and "God" make people forget that these two Chinese words are fundamentally different from The Christian words "Yawi" and "Yahweh".We seem to be celebrating our victory blindly.The longhua school of Public Opinion and the Ruling of the Holy See should be reconsidered.Although we do not suggest abandoning the use of "God" and "God", we should not forget the great difference between Christian doctrines and the use of Chinese writings.


Fetishism Ancestor worship sacrificial idol nature mixed worship totem spirit
