

一現年71歲男性,15年前全身出現水疱病灶,合併口腔黏膜有潰瘍現象。當時皮膚切片及免疫螢光檢查診斷為尋常性天疱瘡後,病人在門診追蹤接受prednisolone及免疫抑制劑azathioprine之治療後病情控制良好。然而,1998年5月,在唇緣及左側會陰部出現糜爛樣疣狀增殖性病灶,皮膚病理檢查可見基底細胞上層棘層鬆解(suprabasal acantholysis)及嗜伊紅性白血球組成的表皮內膿瘍(intraepidermal microabscesses)。取病灶處及病灶旁正常皮膚做直接免疫螢光檢查皆顯示IgG沉積在表皮細胞間。依據臨床及檢查結果診斷為增殖性天疱瘡。病灶在提高治療劑量後逐漸消退。




A 71-year-old male had generalized bullous lesions and oral ulcers 15 years ago. Pemphigus vulgaris was confirmed by skin biopsy and immunofluorescence study. He received treatment with oral prednisolone and azathioprine and had good response. In May 1998, and erosive, verrucous, vegetative plaque was noted over vermilion border of the lip and left side of perineum. histopathologic examination showed suprabasal acantholysis and intraepidermal microabscesses containing numerous eosinophils. Direct immunofluorescence study of lesional and perilesional skin revealed intercellular deposition of IgG in the epidermis. Pemphigus vegetans was diagnosed by the clinical and laboratory findings. The skin lesions subsided after increasing the dose of oral medication.


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