  • 期刊


Follicular Hybrid Cyst-like Hamartoma: Cystic Follicular Hamartoma with Sebaceous and Inferior Segment Differentiation


目前已經知道由毛囊的漏斗部、峽部以及下部可產生不同的囊腫,因此我們在病理下可發現類表皮囊腫、外毛根鞘囊腫及毛髮基質瘤。在過去的文獻中,也可發現同時具有其中兩種毛囊部位分化來的毛囊融合囊腫。 本文報告一例罕見的囊狀毛囊錯構瘤。組織病理上,囊壁內側主要為類表皮角化,其中局部上皮可發現外毛根鞘角質化或毛髮基質瘤的變化,它們彼此間以一種突然的轉換方式連接在一起。囊壁外側由嗜鹼性細胞組成,並盹可發現毛囊與皮脂腺的分化及角質囊的形成。由這此變化證明了具有毛囊各部分化的毛囊融合囊腫樣錯構瘤的存在。




Currently it is well established that each of the three parts of the hair follicle (infundibulum, isthmus, and the inferior portion) originates different types of cutaneous cysts Thus, we can see several types of follicular cysts include infundibular cysts, trichilemmal cysts, and pilomatricoma. Some hybrid cysts with differentiation toward two different follicular parts also have been reported in previous articles. We herein report a rare cystic follicular hamartoma. Histopathologically, the inner wall of cyst consists of epidermoid keratinization in most areas. Focal areas of trichilemmal keratinization and pilomatricomatous nests connect these epithelium with abrupt transition, showing distinctive, juxtaposed bimodal differentiation, The outer wall of cyst consists of basaloid cells with horn cysts formation, follicles and sebaceous glands differentiation. These findings suggest the presence of this follicular hybrid cyst-like hamartoma with differentiation toward different parts of hair follicles.
