  • 期刊

The Antinociceptive Effect of Transdermal EMLA Delivery Using Sonophoresis



EMLA是皮膚科醫師常用在電射或其他治療前的一種局部麻醉劑,雖然使用方便但須一小時以能發揮藥效。超音波導入法曾被證實能促進藥物經皮吸收。我們嘗試以超音波導入法來縮短EMLA的使用時間。有21位健康受試者參與本研究,每位受試者皆在左手臂以密閉法各塗抹EMLA 10,30及60分鐘,右手臂則使用超音波導入法10分鐘,並以銣-雅各雷射評估瘡痛程度。結果顯示超音波導入法10分鐘只能達到密閉法30分鐘的麻醉效果。雖然結果未能如我們所預期,但希望以後有更多研究者能改良導入法以達到最好的效果,嘉惠所有醫師與病患。




Many procedures performed by dermatologists require prior administration of a local anesthetic agent to prevent painful sensation experienced by patients. EMLA is a frequently used topical anes- thetic agent with the disadvantage of considerable application time before analgesia takes effect. Sonophoresis has been used to enhance the absorption of topical analgesics. In this study twenty one volunteers with a median age of 33 years were enrolled to receive topical and sonophoresis-aided EMLA cream for a period of 10, 30, and 60 minutes. The degree of anesthesia was assessed using Nd: YAG laser. Subjects’ responses to laser stimuli were recorded using an ordinal scale of 0 (no pain) to 4 (maximal pain). Wilcoxon-singed rank test showed that 10-min EMLA application (p = 0.014), 30-min EMLA application (p < 0.001), 60-min EMLA application (p < 0.001), and sonophoresis-aided EMLA application (p <0.001) were statistically better than the control. 60-min EMLA application was also significantly superior (p < 0.05) to all other test sites in terms of decreas-ing the pain associated with laser treatments. We conclude that antinociceptive effect of sonophoresis- aided EMLA application is still not satisfactory as compared with the result of the 60-min application time of EMLA cream.


EMLA Sonophoresis Nd-YAG Laser


Huang, W. T. (2012). 體外震波治療對於大鼠尾部神經經皮導入藥物之效果 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.10896
