



單顆植體 大臼齒 成功率 併發症


There are several factors that affect the prognosis of periodontally-diseased molars. These factors make our periodontal treatments less predictable. We can give the patient, who lost his molar, a bridge or a removable partial denture. By doing this, some healthy tooth structures must be lost. When implants are used, they become a treatment alternative for dentists and patients. In the beginning, these implants were used in full edentulous patients and were splinted together, and had very high success rate. Single molar implant may be more difficult due to the limitation of anatomic condition, such as maxillary sinus, inferior alveolar canal and low bone density of this area. Recently, several clinical studies indicated that the success rate for single molar implant therapy is higher than 90%. The purpose of this paper is to review the clinical studies in single implants used in molar regions. The determinants of clinical success of single implants are evaluated. The biological and technical complications of single implants are also discussed.


single implant molars success rate complications


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