  • 期刊


Evaluation of the Tooth Loss in Aged Patients in Taiwan-5 Years Retrospective Study



牙周病治療的首要目標是儘可能的保留自然齒列,並希望回復其美觀,咀嚼等正常功能。徹底了解病患牙齒喪失情形,不僅可提供我們一個較明確且客觀用以評定牙周病治療成效的標準;更能夠幫助我們在日後面對不同病患時,能因人而異的提供更有效的治療方法。有關自然齒列喪失情形的研究文獻雖已為數甚多,但有鑒於牙周病的歷程及破壞程度可能有地域性的差異,所以本研究的目的是針對台灣本土之老年病患,透過臨床病例回顧及X光片分析判讀的方法,針對牙齒喪失的型態及原因加以研究分析,並進一步探討接受牙周治療與否是否對牙齒留存有所影響。本實驗選取曾至台中榮總牙科部就診且初診時年齡大於或等於五十歲,在牙科至少有五年的完整牙科病歷紀錄及X光片之台灣本土老年病患共五十名。紀錄其初診時的年齡,牙齒總數,五年內牙齒被拔除之數目和原因等資料。病歷資料收集完成後,將病患分為三組,分別為:非牙周病患者;牙周病患但不接受牙周病治療;牙周病患者且接受牙周病治療。經過統計分析顯示,樣本人數為50人,男性49名,女性只有1名。研究開始時,患者之平均年齡62.1歲,經過五年的追蹤觀察後共有115顆牙齒喪失,而牙周病是造成這些牙齒喪失的主因,佔了所有被拔除牙齒的63.48%;因齲齒及其他因素所拔除的牙齒則分別佔30.43%及6.09%。此外,有定期接受治療之牙周病患者(25.67顆)和未接受治療者(24.77顆),在開始治療前其平均齒數並無很大的差異。經過5年的長期追蹤後發現,接受定期牙周治療及追蹤者其平均齒數與非牙周病患兩者之間並無顯著的差異(24.22 vs 25.63)顆;但未接受定期牙周治療者其平均齒數(19.38顆)即有明顯的減少。此一現象亦表現在牙齒喪失率及牙齒喪失速率上。由此可知,於本調查之老年病患中,牙周病是造成牙齒喪失的主因,而定期接受牙周治療確實可以有效的減緩牙周病的破壞和牙齒喪失率。


The main goal of periodontal therapy is tried to keep as many as natural teeth, correct their esthetic and rebuild the chewing function. The reason of tooth loss can help periodontist further to realize the successful rate of their treatment and will provide more precise treatment in future to different kinds of patients. The purpose of this study was to review retrospectively the past dental/periodontal treatment record and radiographic finding within five years of the aged patients and to find out any relationship between periodontal disease and the cause of tooth loss. We chose 50 patients (49 males, 1 females) with age 50 or older from our dental clinic records, reviewed their past dental treatment records and radiographic examination within 5 years. We also collected the selected patient age, total number of teeth at the beginning and end of study, were they had periodontal disease or not? Were they received periodontal therapy or not? Had regular periodontal maintenance or not? We divided data into three groups, one group had no periodontal breakdown, one had periodontal disease but without received therapy, one group received periodontal treatment and regular follow up. From the data we found that periodontal disease (63.48%) was the main cause of tooth loss, caries was 30.43% and other was 6.09%. Similar total remaining tooth numbers (24.22 vs 25.63) was found in the groups received periodontal treatment, patients with healthy periodontium, Number of tooth loss (19.38) was significant increased in the group without periodontal treatment. This meant that periodontal disease was the main cause of tooth loss in seniors and regular periodontal treatment and maintenance is necessary for tooth retention.
