  • 期刊


A Story of Space Participatory Writing of Spatial Scenarios: Shophouse Reconstructionin Kuo-Hsin Township after the 921 Earthquake


每個人都是在空間中長大的,除了滿足機能的需求外,空間還記錄了人在其中的生活作息、生活習慣及彼此的記憶與感情,因此每個人對於空間的體驗也就各不相同,所以若要塑造一個好的空間,我們需要人來敘說他自己在空間中的故事。而空間劇本讓我們將有意義的故事變成一個可以創造空間的流程,如同演出一齣戲,將空間中每個使用者與環境或使用者彼此間發生關係的環節想清楚,做出最符合使用者需求也同時具有機能與品質的空間安排。 以劇本寫作為基礎的設計方式,確實可以幫助釐清空間生產中關於形式的根源,也有利於與居民作溝通,讓居民很容易的逐步進入自家的空間設計裡。但是在實際操作過程裡,這個方式會同時牽涉到許多不確定的因素,諸如居民對設計方法的認知落差、空間劇本詮釋的方式及依據、居民參與的方式及程度、設計的外部因素等問題,使得空間劇本的設計結果不完全被落實。但是居民的回應讓我們相信,劇本設計所具備參與互動的細緻過程,相較於快速設計、大量興建以滿足居住需要的家屋生產方式而言,反而更能針對居民的特殊需求,發展具有品質的居住空間。 對於含有參與精神的空間劇本設計方式,我們認為這並不是生產空間的唯一方式,只是本文期望透過這樣的方式,能再度尋回空間與人之間緊密的連結。


Every person grows in space. Besides satisfying functional needs, space keeps track of one's daily life, custom, collective memory and emotions, and provides different experiences for people. There fore, if we want to produce a good space, we need people to narrate their own stories in the space. Then we use spatial scenarios to transform a meaningful story into a process of creating space, like performing a drama, in order to make us think clearly about the linkages between users and environments. By doing so, it helps to create a space with function and quality that fit the user's needs. A design method based on scenario writings indeed helps us to clarify the root of forms when producing space. It also helps us to communicate with residents so that they can participate in the spatial design of their own houses step by step. But in the process of practical operations, there are many uncertainties involved that often make the aims of design hard to achieve. These uncertainties include the gaps of perception between designers and residents, the different interpretations of spatial scenarios, the ways and the degree in which residents participate, and the external factors of design, etc. However, the responses of residents lead us to believe that in comparison with other methods such as fast design and mass production, scenario writing more fully satisfies user's needs. The detailed process of scenario design fulfills the particular demands of residents and creates a residential space with quality. For the design method of spatial scenario with the spirit of participation, we don't think that it's the only way of space production. However, this article intends to explore the close linkage between people and space by means of scenario writings.


