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Constructing a Critical “Transcultural Local” Design Language: A Review of the Impact of “Pattern Language” on the Design of the I- Ian Performing Arts Center


在全球化與在地性的論述脈絡兩者間的對立關係與接合下,我們試圖從空間設計的理論與方法上,檢視臺灣地方空間與地景形成的過程中,全球化文化轉型如何挑戰或衛擊地方性的空間語彙與社會行為;進而,空間使用者以及社區居民的日常習慣,又如何與不同文化角力及互動。我們將透過反省與批判〝模式語彙〞設計方法對宜蘭演藝廳的空問設計及使用所造成的衝擊,進而嘗試建構一個有批判力且具包容性的〝跨文化的本土〞設計語彙(transcultural local design language)的藍本。

Parallel abstracts

Within the current debate regarding globalization and localization processes, this paper attempts to analyze the impacts of global cultural transformations on spatial design, we seek to understand the interactions between design and local spatial practices. By deconstructing the use of” pattern language” to design the I- lan performing Arts Center, a critical and comprehensive framework of” transcultural local design language” is proposed to counter the universalizing effects of the “pattern language”.

Cited by

陳妤虹(2005)。從台灣國際競圖作品 探討地景設計的形式策略〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.10166
