  • 期刊


New Aspects of Travel Medicine in Taiwan


國人出國人數逐年增加,於2012年已突破每年一千萬人次。隨著旅遊風氣的盛行,旅遊醫學顯得越來越重要。與衛生福利部疾病管制署合作,目前全台已有共26家的旅遊醫學門診,提供民眾最即時方便的服務。門診提供行前旅遊諮詢、疫苗注射、預防用藥、留學表格填寫等服務。台大「旅遊醫學教育暨訓練中心」肩負臨床、教育及研究功能,為旅遊醫學門診的最佳後盾。不論對民眾或專業醫護人員,出版了多本教材書籍,其中多數獲得台大醫院的優秀教材獎。最近積極開發旅遊醫學APP - Travel Health,期待邁入最先進的個人化旅遊醫學時代。依據目的地及活動的不同, 醫師應給與量身訂做的建議。前往美加地區的留學生,應給予MMR與腦膜炎等疫苗。前往中國或東南亞的民眾,建議施打A型肝炎疫苗。前往中南美洲或非洲的民眾,需施打黃熱病疫苗。前往非洲的民眾,是疾的預防性投藥則不可避免。台灣國際醫療保健醫學會的宗昌在於培育更多旅遊醫學專科醫師、稽查品質與促進國際間的合作。隨著旅遊醫學在台灣的蓬勃發展,期待更多有志之士的參與。


More than ten million Taiwanese travel abroad each year and the demand for medical care and consultation on travel medicine is increasing. Currently, there are 26 hospitals collaborating with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to establish travel medicine clinics in Taiwan. They are providing the most up-to-date and individualized information regarding vaccinations, prophylactic chemotherapy and consultation. National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) and CDC established the "Training Center of Travel Medicine" to promote travel medicine in Taiwan. The center is responsible for providing service and education to the public, medical professionals and research in travel medicine. The center has published several books and won merits in excellence of publication from NTUH. Recently, the center has designed a handy travel APP device for the public to use before and during travel. Depending on the travel destination and purposes, the doctors in travel clinics give advice on vaccination individually. For example, for students studying abroad in the US or Canada, vaccinations such as MMR, meningococcal vaccine should be administered. For travelers to China or Southeast Asia, hepatitis A vaccination should be administered. For travelers to Africa or Southern America, yellow fever vaccine should be administered. For those traveling to Africa, chemoprophylaxis for malaria is mandatory. "Taiwan Association for International Health" is aimed to enhance international health research, develop international health specialty, strengthen contact and exchange with global international health organizations, and to audit quality and standards of international health care in Taiwan. As travel medicine becomes prosperous in Taiwan, we hope and welcome more physicians to collaborate with us to make it a promising subspecialty in the future.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC Health Information for International Travel 2014. New York, Oxford University Press, 2014."
Monath TP: Dengue and yellow fever -challenges for the development and use of vaccines. N Engl J Med 2007;357:2222-5."
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Boggild AK, Parise ME, Lewis LS, et al: Atovaquone-proguanil: report from the CDC expert meeting on malaria chemoprophylaxis (II). Am J Trop Med Hyg 2007;76(2):208-23."
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