  • 期刊


Advances and Applications of Proton Beam Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer




The role of radiation therapy in head and neck cancer is becoming increasingly important. Radiotherapy, in comparison to surgery, has been shown to be associated with better functional preservation and improved outcomes in many primary head and neck cancers. Though great progress has been made with photon radiotherapy technology, side-effects such as xerostomia, dysphagia, fibrosis in the neck, hearing loss, and many other related toxicities are continuously reported with radiotherapy. Compared with traditional photon beams, proton therapy offers an advantage of the "Bragg peak," thus, allowing precise localization of the radiation, eliminating the exit dose, and sparing normal cells; however, the high cost of construction has prevented the popularization of proton therapy. The first proton therapy equipment was installed in Taiwan in 2017, and several proton centers are proposed to be established in the North, Central, and South of Taiwan in the next few years. This article summarizes the available literature on proton therapy, reviews the therapeutic effectiveness in head and neck cancer, and serves as a reference for the future applications of proton therapy in Taiwan.


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