  • 期刊


Improving Critical Care Nurse's Recognition and Assessment of Delirium for ICU Patients




Previous studies have indicated that the incidence of delirium in critically ill patients is higher than 30% and early detection is crucial for effective management. However, accuracy rate of nursing assessment of delirium was only 60%, neither have enough concept about delirium, nor have qualified evaluation ability in providing immediate care of those patients. The related factors were disclosed in our investigation, including few relevant training, lack of appropriate assessment tools, insufficient nursing evaluation system and unfamiliar with the disease process. We proposed a project aiming at improving the accuracy rate of both delirium recognition and assessment by our nurse. We adopted diversified and informatized strategies, such as organizing face-to-face courses on intensive care followed by online learning, setting up platforms for clinical case discussion, translating and promoting appropriate evaluation tools, etc. The relevant electronic documents including the workflow were integrated into the intensive care unit (ICU) information system to call attention to early detection as well as facilitate assessment and audit. The accuracy rate of recognition and nursing care on delirium increased to over 90%. The use of multi-strategy and information technology can help to improve the ability of clinical nurses for critical delirium patients. This project can provide a reference for the diagnosis of complex critical care assessment.


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