  • 期刊


The Formative Process of the "Ego" from Imaginary Identification: An Analysis of the Theory of Lacan's "Mirror Stage"


本文企圖分析拉崗(Lacan, Jacques)的「鏡子階段」理論,闡述其如何運作出想像界的範域。「鏡子階段」理論主要是以幼兒自身鏡像的出現,來說明「自我」的形塑過程。在這個自戀的過程中,幼兒同化於鏡中那個顛倒的理念形象,由此而開創了他/她的心智起源之歷史。一旦「自我」以一個外在的影像來建立自身的疏離同一性,則此疏離的同一性便於內在的心理現實中與侵略性相結合起來。「自我」一方面不斷地支配與主宰自身,另一方面又持續地臣服與屬於自身。在這種主動疏離和被動疏離相交織的無止盡同化運動之下,想像的「自我」成功地構成了所謂的心理現實,並且擺盪在他/她不穩定的內在性與投射的外在性之間。對拉崗而言,封閉在二元立中的「自我」形成的是有如莫此帶般的迴圈,它的內在與外在交織環繞成一個相對的整體。如果說,此一無縫的整體即是阻礙分析進行的抵抗中心,那麼,心理分析的工作就必須穿透這個想像的整體,進一步發展出解開想像紐結的策略。


拉崗 自我 鏡子階段 自戀 同化 想像界


This article attempts to analyze Lacan’s exposition of “mirror stage” and elaborate its field of functioning in the Imaginary. The theory of “mirror stage” explains the narcissical formation of “ego” by infant’s encountering with his/her reflected image in the mirror. By identifying the ideal image that is provided through inverted mirror image, the infant opens the history of his/her mental genesis. Ever since the “ego” establishes the alienated identity of self by an external image, the same alienating identity combines with aggressivity in the psychical reality. The “ego” dominates and commands itself on the one hand, and submits and subjects to itself on the other. In this endless play of the alienated-alienating identification, the imaginary “ego” successfully constructs the socalled reality and oscillates between his/her unstable interiority and his/her projected exteriority. For Lacan, the “ego” which closes with dual opposition forms the Moebius strip that encircles interior and exterior as a related whole. If this seamless whole is the center of resistance that obstructs the ongoing analysis, then the entire work of psychoanalysis must penetrates the imaginary whole and develops the logic of knot that unties.


Jacques Lacan ego mirror stage narcissism identification imaginary


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