  • 期刊


A Study of Student Teachers' Construction of Teacher Professional Identities


本研究的目的是描述與解釋實習教師「教師專業認同」之建構。採取質性研究取向,從專業認同的三個概念面向-與學生的關係、與知識的關係、以及對將來從事教職的熱誠與看法,描述與銓釋四位實習教師在實習期間發展出來的專業認同形貌。 研究結果:(l)四位實習教師在實習之前發展出對教師工作與角色的看法,影響他們對教師角色的詮釋與教師專業認同;(2)實習輔導老師影響實習教師教學知識的重新建構;實習教師仿效實習輔導老師的傳統教學型態,發展出教學實務知識;(3)實習結束,四位實習教師對自己的教學知識與師生關係具自信心;(4)四位實習教師的自我概念影響他們對是否投入教職的決定。 最後,本研究針對實習教師、大學師培機構、與實習輔導教師提出相關建議。


The purpose of the study is to describe and explain four student teachers' construction of their professional identities during the internship year. Qualitative methods were utilized in this study. Teacher identity was analyzed from three aspects: (1) self in relation to others; (2) self in relation to knowledge; and (3) self in relation to the teaching profession. Results of this study suggest that: (1) student teachers' prior beliefs about the role of teachers and the nature of teaching influence their interpretation of the teacher role as well as construction of their professional identities; (2) mentors affect student teachers' reconstruction of their knowledge in teaching; each student teacher conforms to his/her mentor's traditional practice; (3) each student teacher feels successful and confident with his/her image as a teacher, including the development of their knowledge in teaching as well as rapport with students; (4) whether a student teacher decides to be a teacher or not corresponds to his/her initial self-concept. Implications for student teachers, teacher education programs, and mentors are provided.


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