  • 期刊


Competitiveness Analysis of Kaohsiung City as an Ocean City


高雄市地處台灣西南部,由於本身優越的天然條件與政府各項重大建設的推動,加上人民勤奮的努力打拼,自戰後以來即已成為我國重化工業重鎮。不過自從1980年代以來,台灣正式進入產業結構與經濟體系的調整。高科技資訊產業在政府政策與民間人才、技術的合作下,發展成為我國新興、且最為重要的產業。至於傳統勞力密集產業部分,則開始出現外移東南亞、大陸以及世界其他地區的趨勢。如何調整產業結構,以因應此一變局,將是未來高雄及整個南部地區是否得以繼續發展的關鍵因素。 本文係取歷史文獻法與深度訪談法,來分析高雄市成為海洋城市的各項發展利利基。依據分析結果,本文認為:高雄海洋城市應持續努力結合雙港優勢與南部產業,讓高雄市成為區域性生產者服務業的聚集中樞,以推動高雄市都市經濟的進一步轉型;將有助於提升高雄市在我國、東亞以及全球的競爭力,預做準備工作。


海洋城市 兩岸三通 高雄 利基 策略 區域核心


Kaohsiung city, located in the southwest of Taiwan, because of its superior natural conditions, many government constructions, and people's diligent efforts, has already become the importantly strategic location of chemical industry in Taiwan since the post-war. However, since the 1980s, in terms of the increasing economic development, national income, national living standard, health improvement, and environment consciousness, the context of enterprises have begun to change and entered the industrial adjustment. As result, how to adjust industrial structure to respond the change is becoming a key issue that is influencing the development of Kaohsiung city in the future The paper adopted the reviews of historical document and in-depth interview to study the competitive advantage of Kaohsiung city. According to the result of analysis, this paper is argued that Kaohsiung city needs to continuously combine advantages of harbour and southern industries to develop international logistics industry to enhance the development of producer service, and to help Kaohsiung become the centre of the regional producer service. All in all, it can be argued that Kaohsiung city needs to really improve the niche of the city position effectively in advance through direct transportation of Cross-Strait's three direct links in the future.


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