  • 期刊


The Developments of Evidence-Based Policy Formulation Research in the United Kingdom


過去的研究總是宣稱,研究和實務上的關係薄弱,也有學者甚至認為:研究為基礎的政策是特例而非常態。然而,從過去的研究發現:從證據到政策的知識落差,一方面是方法論上的分歧,另一方面則是詮釋空間的問題。所以,本文有別於以往類似研究,在文獻探討的部分將著重英國建立政策研究機制的理論與實務,尤其是其證據為基礎的政策的發展與現況,進而深究是怎樣的社會、產生出如此的政策規劃機制、以及為何可以被大多數人接受。 本文旨在取經英國證據為基礎的政策研究發展現況,以了解如何在政策形成的研究當中,結合分析政治領域、政策規劃機制以及政策與研究關係,以有助於理解目前知識建構與證據形成的歷史、社會、文化與政治背景,進而提出如何建構一個更有利於證據為基礎的政策環境,以達成政府施政方針。


The past research was always declared that the linkage between the research and practice is too weak in many countries, the scholar even says, the research-based policy is a special case but not the normality. The past finding stated that the methodological difference between evidence and policy knowledge is a question of annotating the space. This paper focused on the theory and practice of evidence-based policy in the Britain. it is to draw out some of the key lessons emerged from the experience in the Britain and to ensure those engaging in policy making and professional practices are better informed by evidence. This paper argued we should ensure the integration of evidence into policy planning and to encourage the utilization of evidence in practice. This paper looked at how some issues have been approached in the Britain, with comment on a range of public sector initiatives.


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