  • 期刊


Academy and Influence of Dong-Pin in Initial Stage of Yuan Dynasty


金末蒙興之際,中國北方正陷入空前的大混亂,政局動盪不安,人民生活顛沛流離。當時,投靠強而有勢的霸主,發揮所長,為大多數士人生存的主要管道,因此各地游士之風盛行。這些收容士人的霸主,為當時華北雄據一方的漢軍世侯,他們於蒙古南侵時以襄贊之功,獲得蒙古統治者信賴,成為鎮戍地方的軍事力量之一。其中,東平嚴氏雖以武功起家,屬於蒙古漢軍世侯之一,卻重視文教學風,在金末蒙興之際積極培養人才,招攬儒士,重教崇儒,延續中原文化。 東平嚴氏在保存文化,振興學術的舉措,使得東平逐漸成為當時華北地區的學術重鎮。元初,東平出身的士人逐漸在政治上展露頭角,獲得朝廷重用,發展出一個屬性相似的團體;另外,東平士人在學術上亦凝聚為一股勢力,形成所謂的東平學派。


元代 教育 學校 學術 嚴實 漢軍世侯 東平


Between 1214-1260, falling into the unprecedented turbulence in the North of China, the political situation is in turmoil, the people's life drift from place to place. At that time, went and seek refuge with the strong overlord with the tendency, give play to the chief of institute, the main channel that most scholars survive, so the wind of the person of travel around all parts prevails. These accommodate overlord of scholar are vassals of Han army in the North of China at that time, they got the Mongolian ruler to trust by assisting the work praised when invading in the North China of Mongolia, become one of the defensibly local military strength. Among them, Dong-Pin Yan who one of the vassals of army of Mongol build up with the acrobatic skill but pay attention to the style of study of the culture and education, train talents actively at the time of covering with and revitalizing in the latter stage of Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), solicit the Confucian scholar, extends the culture of Central Plains. Dong-Pin Yan reserve culture, revitalizing the action of academy, making the Dong-Pin becomes the academic important strategic place of North China of the beginning gradually. In the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and come from taxi people and open up and begin to show ability politically gradually, get the imperial court to put in an position is so-called the academic wing of Dong-Pin in the group, In addition Dong-Pin scholar is it for first force, form the what is called in the school to condense also on academy.


Yuan Dynasty Dong-Pin Academy culture education Confucian scholar Yen Shih



