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"Are We The Guinea Pigs?" - From Student's Points of View




自加拿大麥徹斯特大學(McMaster University)實施問題為基礎教學以來,該教學方式己成為醫學界切實可行的教育政策。許多學生認為問題為基礎教學在運用相關資源於醫學領域、積極培養團隊合作精神及加強學習樂趣等方面均有極正向的體驗。然而有部份學生卻在他們學校首度引入問題為基礎教學時,質疑此教學方式係浪費時間,無法包含足夠深度的醫學知識,甚感自己是新醫學教育改革下的一群白老鼠。本文作者係在問題為基礎教學下完成該醫學教育;故以過來人的角度來說明在醫學訓練中歷經成長及擔憂的心境,並評述優秀的問題為基礎教學學生之特質、以及檢討問題為基礎教學如何影響學生未來的發展。


Problem-based learning (PBL) has become a well-established means of teaching and learning medicine since its first implementation at McMaster University, Canada. Many students reported positive experiences of PBL in terms of use of additional learning resources, teamwork, and learning fun. Other felt this method was time-consuming and did not cover the required knowledge base at sufficient depth. Many students, therefore, questioned why they should be the guinea pigs for this new learning scheme when PBL was initially introduced at their medical schools. Having completed his medical training through the PBL curriculum, the author reflected on his own progress and worries encountered during his training, reviewed the essential characteristics of a good PBL student from a student’s point of view, and examined how PBL could influence a student’s career goal and development.


PBL learning attitude


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