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Teaching Interpersonal Communication Skill with Video Recording


除了專業知識與技能,人際溝通技巧亦是醫療專業人員的重要素養之一。為增進學生臨床溝通技巧,成大職能治療系因此在大三接觸臨床實習之前,規劃一個人際溝通的教學單元,以錄影方式進行小組教學與操作評量的課程設計。本研究以修課的31位同學為對象,在教學單元結束後,收集其意見,作為課程實施的檢討。結果發現80.6%~93.5%的同學認為本課程有助於觀察與會談的學習, 48.4%的同學,認為有助於對自我的了解。在教材與教法的學習助益上,依序為他人回饋(96.8%%、錄影教學(90.3%)與教師說明(90.3%)、角色扮演(80.7%)。講義內容的助益最少(58.1%)。雖然部分的同學對拍攝與觀看自己的錄影帶,感到不自在(41.9%,38.7%),半數以上肯定自己在溝通技巧上較前有進步,也較具自信(54.8%~67.7%)。利用錄影為教學媒介,引發學習者經驗的再現、重塑與創造,的確強化了操作與情意的元素的學習。如何應用客觀的評量以了解學生學習是否具備實質成效,需要進一步的教學評量方案設計,此為未來課程改良的努力方向。


Professional knowledge and techniques, as well as interpersonal communication skills, is one of the core parts of the education of occupational therapy students that allows them to become capable allied health professional practitioners. To effectively enhance students’ communication skills, a 10-hour teaching module consisted of class lecture, video-recording/reviewing, and small group discussion were implemented. The purpose of this study was to appraise the feedback on the design of this module from the point of view of the class participants (N=31). The results showed that most students acknowledged the importance of the communication skills and also appreciated the skills learning experience (80.6~93.5) and this compared favorably with their perceived improvement in self-understanding (48.4%). Students' ranking of the benefit of the teaching materials from high to low was group feedback (96.8%), video recording and replay (90.3%), instruction and explanation (90.3%), role-play experience (80.7%) and the handouts (58.1 9). More than half students felt that they had improved their communication skills and self-confidence (54.8%~67.7%), but some students were uncomfortable during the recording (41.9%) and replaying (38.7%) of their own videos. It is concluded that the use of video-recording strategy helps the learning experience and performance related components. However, to objectively assess any improvement in communication skills will require further refinement of the program. (Full text in Chinese)


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