

Background: The standardized patient test (SPY) is a tool used to measure the clinical ability of students by the simulation of clinical situations. In this paper, we reported our experience using standardized patients in surgical tests. Material and Methods: In 2005, we held two standardized patient tests in our department, and, in total, 104 interns took part in this examination. Results: The interns average grades for the SPY was (84.7+6.46), which was not significantly different from the scores they got from the purely written examination (84.2+13.1). However, there was no significant correlation between the scores from the SPY and the written test. Furthermore, the variance of the scores from the SPY was significantly lower than that from the written test. When asked to comment, most of the examinees thought: firstly, that the standardized patients worked well; secondly, that the content of the SPY included what they had encountered in daily clinical practice; thirdly, that the difficulty of the SPY was fair to the students and finally that the simulation of the clinical environment was appropriate. However, approximately 40% of the examinees complained of the limited time available to complete the SPY. Conclusions: SPY is feasible in Taiwan. If it is well designed, an SPY is able to reflect the medical student's clinical ability and guide their study attitudes.


標準病人 臨床能力


Background: The standardized patient test (SPY) is a tool used to measure the clinical ability of students by the simulation of clinical situations. In this paper, we reported our experience using standardized patients in surgical tests. Material and Methods: In 2005, we held two standardized patient tests in our department, and, in total, 104 interns took part in this examination. Results: The interns average grades for the SPY was (84.7+6.46), which was not significantly different from the scores they got from the purely written examination (84.2+13.1). However, there was no significant correlation between the scores from the SPY and the written test. Furthermore, the variance of the scores from the SPY was significantly lower than that from the written test. When asked to comment, most of the examinees thought: firstly, that the standardized patients worked well; secondly, that the content of the SPY included what they had encountered in daily clinical practice; thirdly, that the difficulty of the SPY was fair to the students and finally that the simulation of the clinical environment was appropriate. However, approximately 40% of the examinees complained of the limited time available to complete the SPY. Conclusions: SPY is feasible in Taiwan. If it is well designed, an SPY is able to reflect the medical student's clinical ability and guide their study attitudes.


Haydon R,Donnelly M,Schwartz R.Use of standardized patients to identify deficits in student performance and curriculum effectiveness.Am J Surg.168,56-64.
Stillman PL,Regan MB,Philbin M(1990).Results of a survey on the use of standardized patients to teach and evaluate clinical skills.Acad Med.65,288-292.
Ainsworth MA,Rogers LP,Markus JF(1991).Standardized patient encounters. A method for teaching and evaluation.JAMA.266,1390-1396.
Reznick RK(1993).An Objective Structured Clinical Examination for the Licentiate of the medical Council of Canada: From research to reality. In the proceedings of the thirty-second annual conference on research in medical education.Acad Med.68,4S-6S.


林雅絢(2009)。醫學中心標準化病人角色規範、利他行為與工作投入之探討:質性資料比較方法 (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) 之應用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.00383
