目的:推行實證治療的前提是臨床從業人員需常涉獵實證治療新知、建立執行實證治療的積極態度,適當地將實證治療新知運用在臨床治療上,並培養執行研究的技巧,方能提供最佳的醫療服務。有鑑於國內、外醫療界已廣泛推行實證醫學或實證治療多年。但迄今國內尚無研究探討臨床治療師涉獵實證治療知識的程度、執行實證治療的意願(態度)以及執行實證治療之能力。因此,本研究的目的為探討台灣職能治療師對實證治療知識、態度及執行能力。方法:研究對象為413位高雄市、台北市及台灣省職能治療師公會之會員,填寫基本資料與The Research Knowledge,Attitudes and Practices of Research Scale (KAP)問卷。結果:針對實證治療知識的部分,結果顯示中等程度人數最多(55.8%);態度方面,中等程度人數也佔最多(59%);執行能力部分亦有相同結果,即57.3%之職能治療師屬中等程度。學歷越高、工作單位在研究與教學機構者、工作角色為管理者與研究者之治療師,在實證治療知識、態度,以及執行能力方面,會有顯著較高的程度。工作年資較大之治療師,在實證治療知識及執行能力方面,程度較高。不在醫院、復健科診所與學校系統職能治療工作之治療師,在實證治療知識及態度方面,程度較高。治療師在KAP量表的5個因素平均分數為1.82至2.35,除了確立臨床問題的態度屬高程度,其餘皆屬於中等程度。結論:本研究發現職能治療師對實證治療的知識、態度與執行之能力都有中等的程度,這顯示職能治療師自覺對實證治療的能力是中等的,但仍有可提升的空間,這也鼓勵學校教育系統與繼續教育課程之安排,可多加強實證職能治療的教育,讓已有中等程度知識、態度與執行能力的治療師可再繼續提升,進而在臨床上落實實證職能治療。
Objective: The goals of implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) are to keep clinicians updated with current research, help them develop and maintain positive attitudes toward EBP, and develop their ability to apply research evidence to clinical practice. Although the medical field in western countries and Taiwan have promoted EBP for many years and much research has been devoted to evaluate its practice in many specialties of medicine. There is, however, little research into EBP and occupational therapists. This study analyzes data collected by questionnaire to assess knowledge, attitude and implementation of EBP among occupational therapists in Taiwan. Methods: We recruited 413 members of Kaohsiung's, Taipei's and Taiwan's occupational therapist unions. Participants completed the Research Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Research Scale (KAP) in addition to a questionnaire on demographic information. Results: We found a moderate level of knowledge, attitude and practice in around half of the occupational therapists (55.8-59%). Occupational therapists with higher levels of academic qualification, working in non-clinical settings, or working as managers or researchers were found to have higher levels of knowledge, attitude and implementation of the EBP in their field. Occupational therapists with more years of working experiences scored at higher level on the knowledge and implementation of the EBP. Occupational therapists not working in hospitals, rehabilitation clinics or school-based systems had a higher level of the knowledge and attitude of the EBP. All therapists scored within the moderate and high levels in the five factors of the KAP, i.e., identifying clinical problems, establishing current best practice, implementing research into practice, administering research implementation and conducting and communicating research (mean: 1.82-2.35, SD: 0.45-0.58). Conclusion: This study found a moderate level of knowledge, attitude and practice of the EBP around half of the clinicians, indicating that most had positive attitudes toward EBP and a fair command of the knowledge and skills needed to implement them. However, there is still room for improvement, so it is important for educators and directors of continuing education programs to improve their course offerings and promote EBP at work.