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Risky Sexual Behaviors of Psychiatric Adolescent Patients


目的:本研究旨探討精神科青少年求治者各種危險性行為問題的比例,並瞭解相關的心理社會危險因子。方法:選取一年內,在臺北市兩所綜合醫院精神科與一所精神專科療養院的門診、急性病房、以及日間留院,選取無齡層介於十二到二十二歲共89位的青少年求治者,以自填問卷和診斷性會談的方式,收集個案之人口學特質、精神科診斷、以及危險性行為等相關資料,並分析各種變項之間的相關性。結果:89位個案中,有39位(43.7%)曾發生過危險性行為,而抽煙(OR=10.01, 95% CI: 2.53-39.57)和家庭互動不良(OR=5.85, 95% CI: 1.58-21.64)均與危險性行為具有顯著相關性。結論:本研究顯示,精神科青少年求治者的危險性行為問題確實具有相關的心理社會危險因子,值得臨床工作者加以注意。

Parallel abstracts

Objective: This study sought to characterize the type and extent of risky sexual behaviors among help-seeking adolescents in the psychiatric population, and to assess the relevant psychosocial risk factors for these behaviors. Methods: We enrolled of 89 adolescent psychiatric patients who sought help at two general hospitals and a psychiatric center in Taipei during a one-year period. The age of those patients ranged from 12 to 22 years old. Information of risky sexual behaviors were collected by well-validated questionnaire. Results: Among those 89 adolescent psychiatric patients, 39 (43.7%) had participated in risky sexual behaviors. Smoking (OR=10.01, 95% CI:2.53-39.57) and poor family relationships (OR=5.85, 95% CI: 1.58-21.64) were significantly associated with risky sexual behaviors. Conclusions: Smoking habits and poor family relationships can identifying those at high risk of hazardous sexual behavior among adolescents seeking psychiatric help. (Full text in Chinese)


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