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Relationship between Attentional Resources and Time Perception during Dual Tasks


目的:探討注意力資源理論解釋時間知覺雙重作業的適切性。方法:以84位9-16歲的一般兒童作為受試者,測驗工具包括:單一時間再製作業與困難度不同的時間再製雙重作業,時距皆為5、12、17秒;柯能氏持續表現作業(CPT),及父母填寫短式柯能氏家長版量表中文版(CPRS-R:S)。結果:時間估計錯誤量在作業操弄(F(2, 164)=33.21, p=.001)與時距變項(F(2,164)=114.11, p=.001)皆達顯著,其交互作用(F(4,328)=14.40, p=.001)也達顯著,顯示受試者的時間知覺會受到雙重作業與時距長短的影響。在排除年齡與性別的影響後,受試者在困難版時間再製雙重作業的錯誤估計量與柯能氏持續表現作業中的錯誤按鍵次數(淨相關係數=0.24,p=0.048)及CPRS-R:S的不專心症狀(淨相關係數=0.33,p= 0.006)有顯著的關聯性。結論:注意力資源理論可以解釋個體在時間再製雙重作業的表現,個體心理資源多寡的個別差異,也顯現在其不同層面的注意力相關行為表現。


Objective: To examine whether the attentional resource theory is able to suitably explain time perception during the dual tasks. Methods: The sample included 84 students aged from 9 years to 16 years old and who had consented to this study. The students received a single time reproduction task, two versions of time reproduction dual tasks with time intervals of 5, I 2 and 17 seconds and the Conners' Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Their parents also reported on the participants using the Chinese Conners' Parent Rating Scale-Revised: Short Form (CPRS-R:S). Results: The time estimation errors were affected by the trial version (F(2, 164)=33.2l,p=.001) and the time interval (F(2,l64)=ll4.ll,p=.001). There was also a significant interaction between time interval and the task version (F(4,328)=14.40, p=.001). On removing age and gender effects, the errors in time estimation for the difficult version of the time reproduction dual task was significantly correlated to commission errors within the CPT (partial correlation, y=0.24, p=0.048) and the inattention subscale of the CPRSR: S (partial correlation, y=0.33, p=0.006). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the attentional resource theory can be used to explain performance when carrying out a time reproduction dual task. Our findings need to be confirmed in future studies involving children with a clinical diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. (Full text in Chinese)


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