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Bidding Mechanism and Cost Sharing for Licensing Electronic Resources in Academic Library Consortia


隨著電子資源數量遽增,國內陸續成立許多電子資源聯盟組織,以協助解決各圖書館購買與使用電子資源時所可能面臨的問題。這些聯盟負有許多任務,其中最主要的任務便是與供應商談判各項資源之購買,以及計算聯盟各成員應分攤之成本。由於圖書館聯盟訂購電子資源與成本分攤問題,與電子市集中團體購買商品之行為極為類似,因此,有別於目前圖書館聯盟常見之作業方式,本文根據Li et al., (2003)所提折扣結盟賽局(Discount coalition game)的概念,提出圖書館聯盟訂購電子資源之結盟機制以及成本分攤方式。數值模擬結果顯示,此種基於競標與合作賽局精神之結盟機制與成本分攤方式,能確保想要訂購電子資源之圖書館都能在聯盟之內,達成聯盟之穩定性,這是目前圖書館聯盟採行之作業方式無法達到的;另外,所採用之成本分攤計算方式較其他的方法所得到之預算結餘的變異程度小,顯示具有不錯的公平效果。


Due to the rapid increase in the variety of electronic resources, many academic library consortia have been formed in Taiwan so as to assist in dealing with issues faced by libraries in purchasing and using electronic resources. The vital missions of a consortium are to negotiate the subscriptions with resource vendors, and then allocate the licensing costs to member libraries. Owing to the similarity between the consortial licensing for electronic resources and the group purchasing in the electronic marketplace, this paper develops a bidding mechanism with egalitarian sharing formulas to solve the existing problems in consortial licensing. The mechanism is based on the concept of Discount Coalition Game (a type of cooperative games) proposed by Li et al. (2003), which differs significantly from the current consortial licenses for electronic resources. Our simulation results of a numerical example demonstrate that the formation mechanism with proposed bidding and egalitarian sharing formulas can ensure the stability of a consortium. This, however, cannot be accomplished by using procedures prevailing in today's consortia. As for the cost allocation among member libraries, the egalitarian sharing formulas also offer lower variance in budgeting compared with other cost sharing methods.


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