  • 期刊


Changing European Social Model: Exploring the Development of EU Pension Policy




In the past two decades Euro pea n integration ha s profoundly influenced the welfare institutions of the member states. With the example of EU pension policy, this article sets out to examine the discourses on the European Social Model and the relevant development of EU social policy, in an attempt to comprehend how the Lisbon Agenda has formulated the idea of European Social Model and moulded a policy programme centred upon labour participation . The development of EU pension policy is a concrete epitome of the European Social Model as dictated in the mainstream EU discourses, which stress the modernization of traditional pension systems as well as the acquisition of pension entitlements through active labour participation. In its governance of pension policy, the EU has indirectly intervened in the pension institutions of its member states in various domains such as gender equality, free movement of labour, and single European insurance market. The increasing utilization of the Open Method of Coordination in this policy area further echoes, indeed justifies, the legitimacy of recent Euro pea n pens ion reform direct ions. Upon this analysis, this article attempts to highlight the dimension of the Europeanization of pension reforms, and reflects on their implications for the changing old-age security in Europe.


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