  • 期刊


The Research of Building Knowledge Management Recycle in Taiwan's High-Tech Firms




Not only the labor-intensive industry but the high-tech industry all over the world has been expanded in the China market, without the exception of Taiwan's enterprises. In this research, we attempt to build a framework of returning for High-tech companies without complicated theory, which have accumulated experience in the KM from the feedback of their branches in China. Based on related theories and papers and considering with the characteristics of the industry, we conducted in-depth interviews with four high-tech companies which have factories in China. In the compare analysis of the content, we found: 1. The success of investment activities in China must base on Intellectual Capital and by using value-added Intellectual Property we can create our revenue. Besides, fulfilling the system of fair digital educational training and utilizing talents localization strategy can promote business performance. 2. Cost is not the only reason Taiwan corporations choose to develop in the overseas, R&D and brand will be the core value of the enterprises. 3. Internationalization doesn't equal to develop in China. Investment in China can't be confined to the China market and it relies on the integrated networks among domestic company and other companies. Remember not to fight alone, so you can attack when you want go further and defend when you quit. 4. Information technology of Using can reduce cost, increase sales and competitiveness. 5. The well-established KM circle denotes continuous improvement by repeating the basic cycle of Knowledge industrialize and Industry Intellectualize.


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