  • 期刊


Dynamic Diffusion Model for Considering Technological Characteristics and Price Changes: Using LCD TVs as an Example




A high degree of risk often follows the commercialization of innovative products. Accurately estimating market potential and grasping product diffusion models is beneficial to enterprises in decreasing risk and preserving market competitiveness. The characteristics of innovative products can be considered the integration of various technologies that continuously evolve over time. When consumers approach a product, the value they perceive results from the product features. However, previous studies on diffusion rarely considered the influence of technological characteristics on product diffusion. This study is the first to combine technological characteristics and price variables to investigate dynamic diffusion in the market. Additionally, this study establishes the relationship between consumer adoption of innovative products and technological features. The study uses the LCD TV industry as an example, and develops a dynamic diffusion model for LCD TVs. The results of this study show that the imitation coefficient of the diffusion model is substantially greater than the innovation coefficient, indicating that the main influence on consumers in Taiwan adopting LCD TVs is the word-of-mouth effect from users. Consumers' imitative purchasing behavior is more substantial compared to their innovative purchasing behavior. The predictive power of a dynamic market potential model that considers technological characteristics and price changes is clearly superior to a model that does not consider these factors. A positive correlation exists between the market potential of LCD TV s and the crucial technological characteristics of LCD TV s. Every 10 % decrease in price increases sales growth by approximately 3.5 % to 5%.


工研院IEK(2010)。2010 平面顯示器年鑑。經濟部技術處。