  • 期刊


Cultural Creative Quarter and Urban Regeneration: The Case Studies of Tianzifang in Shanghai, China and Cultural Industries Quarter in Sheffield, United Kingdom


根據UNCTAD(2010)的創意經濟年報顯示,全球貿易在2002年到2008年期間衰退12%,然而創意產業卻仍保持著每年14%的成長速度,這顯示文創產業對於整體經濟的影響力。文化創意園區做為都市活化的策略工具,主要是讓都市成為具有文化競爭優勢,並透過社區景觀改造、文化設施的擴展為都市創造更多正向的經濟影響,例如降低失業率、減少犯罪、提升基礎文化建設、提供住宅與教育機會以及提高生活環境品質。因此,本研究主要是透過個案研究瞭解如何透過文化創意園區的建構與管理來創造都市的活化。本研究以中國上海田子坊與英國雪菲爾文化特區為研究個案。本研究嘗試從創意城市理論、產業群聚理論、文化創意園區與都市活化等文獻回顧,彙整為5P理論(5P Model),分別為創意產業政策(policy)、創意人(person)、文化與創意歷程(process)、創意氛圍(place)以及創意產出(product)五個面向,來深入分析田子坊與雪菲爾如何運用文化創意園區做為都市活化的機制,我們採用田野調查、深入訪談和次級資料的方式來蒐集與分析資料。研究發現,個案的成功模式在於中央與地方文創政策的制定與執行,形成多元化的創意人才聚落,透過文化價值與創意的形塑,強化創意氛圍的軟體與硬體的相互輝映,提升整體都市的美學效益,最後方能創造出園區的社會與經濟價值。


According to the Creative Economy Report by UNCTAD (2010), the global trade has declined 12% during 2002 and 2008, however creative industry remains 14% in growth, signifying the impacts of cultural creative industry on global economy. Cultural creative quarter has been used as the strategic mechanism to the urban regeneration in past decade. A well-developed cultural quarter can not only strengthen the city's cultural competitiveness, increase its infrastructure, and improve living quality, but also reduce unemployment and criminal. However, there is little research attempting to address the issue of how effectively builds up a cultural and creative quarter for the purpose of city revival and regeneration. We, therefore, conduct two case studies which have been recognized as successful city regeneration via cultural creative quarters. These two cases are Tianzifang Cultural Creative Park in Shanghai, China and Cultural Industries Quarter in Sheffield, United Kingdom.Through the literature reviews on the theories of creative city, cluster theory, creative quarter and urban regeneration, we propose a theoretical framework, 5P model, in order to delineate how the cultural creative quarter is used as strategic mechanism to achieve urban regeneration. The 5P model consists of five dimensions including creative industry policy, creative person, culture and creative process, creative place and creative product. We conduct field work, in-depth interviews, and secondary research to collect data and information. Results indicate that the two successful cases were affected by the policies made by central and local governments in creative industry, the diversified creative clusters, the mutual shaping of culture value and creative process, and the complementary of hardware and software in creative place and creative climate. Results also suggest that creative quarters can create city's economic and social value.




