  • 期刊


The Influence of International Organizations on Global Pension Reform: The Wrestling between the International Labor Organization and the World Bank?


1980年代以來,許多工業先進國家和開發中國家同時進行年金改革。這一波改革風潮中,主要可以區分為兩種立場鮮明的改革策略,一是堅守原有的社會保險原則,僅是透過保費和/或給付資格與公式的調整,強化年金財務的平衡;一是走向一個以私營的、完全準備的確定提撥制為核心的多層次年金體系。前者是遵循國際勞工組織一貫的策略;後者則是世界銀行所極力倡導的模式。因此,這一波的年金改革形成國際勞工組織和世界銀行相互較勁之局面。 本文在探討國際勞工組織和世界銀行這兩個國際組織對這一波全球年金改革之影響。本文之分析發現,國際勞工組織和世界銀行透過不同之途徑影響各國之年金改革方向。近年來,國際勞工組織透過標準設定與國際公約對各國社會安全發展之影響力已式微;而世界銀行有豐沛的資金援助做後盾,對許多國家之年金改革有直接之影響力。然而,各國之國內條件與情勢不同,國際組織對不同國家之影響力亦有明顯之差異。雖世界銀行強力推銷民營化的年金體系,但並未撼動國際勞工組織所倡導的公營的社會保險年金的主流地位。


Since the 1980s, pension reforms have been carried out in many developed and developing countries. In general, there are two distinguished reform strategies. One strategy emphasizes the social insurance principle by adjusting contribution and/or benefit. The other involves switching the pay-as-you-go system to a private managed, fully funded, and defined contribution one. The former is supported by the International Labor Organization (ILO), while the latter is advocated by the World Bank. This paper examines the influence of two international organizations, the ILO and the World Bank, on global pension reform. It is found that these two organizations affect global pension reform via different approaches. The influence of ILO approach which mainly involves providing standard setting and international supervision has declined. On the contrary, the World Bank, accompanying with its financial support, increasingly involves in direct pension reform process in many countries. However, the influence of international organizations on pension reform varies among nations due to their domestic situation. Despite heavily advocated by the World Bank, the idea of pension privatization could not replace the mainstream approach of imposing social insurance pension supported by ILO.


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