  • 期刊


Philosophical Reflection on the Concept of "Leisure" in Taiwan Religious Sites


宗教作為一種文化現象,它本質上就蘊含著高度的人文性、社會性以及所有與吾人身心靈攸關的主體性意含。因此,在台灣宗教一方面承襲數百年來在地化的意義資源,一方面則持續受到世界性宗教的外來衝擊的現實境遇中,台灣人的宗教活動、宗教心靈,以至於與宗教直接或間接牽連的生活意向,乃或多或少出現了獨特的價值思維,以及足以和現代世界相互對應的行動取向;其間,「休閒」之概念與活動,便也同時在台灣人的宗教場域裡,萌發出兼具傳統性與現代性的豐富意義。 首先,本文將試圖對台灣宗教現象作一綜合性的考察,發現其所蘊含的一般性的價值理念,以便從台灣各宗教〈本文將特冸以佛教、基督教與民間信仰為例〉面對俗世時所採取的工作觀-所謂「工作」,似乎應包括功德、日課、苦行以及各種宗教性之修持,來對比出各宗教的休閒觀;由此,進一步突顯由宗教信仰與崇拜行為所引導的超越性與世俗性之間的張力,以試圖發現台灣宗教一直為傳統文化中的倫理道德觀尋找終極理由的用心。本文乃由此一意義脈絡,進而對此一生活世界中蘊含美好理想的超乎功利之思維-休閒與藝術的關連性即以此一開放性思考為核心,進行哲學之探究與理性之分析,以理解台灣宗教活動作為一種人文活動,所可能引發的種種的生活效應-其中,休閒之生活以及其價值意含,便不能不被重視,而它也就因此不能不被一再地檢證與反思。


主體性 現代性 休閒 超越性 世俗性


Religion is a cultural phenomenon that's essence contains a high degree of humanism and social interaction. In Taiwan, religion follows centuries of local tradition on the one hand and on the other hand continues to be affected by foreign religious beliefs. The religious activities and spirit of Taiwan people to some extent has both directly and indirectly created a particular set of values while giving them a basis for interacting with the modern world. Among these values, the notion and practice of 'leisure' in Taiwan religious sites has both traditional and modern significance. Initially this paper would like to make a comprehensive examination of Taiwan religious phenomenon in an attempt to find its general sense of values. This in order to glean from the various religions in Taiwan an idea of 'work' in the face of the secular world. This should also cover notions such as virtue, daily meditation, asceticism and other religious practices in contrast with the notion of 'leisure' for the various religions in Taiwan. From here we can see the strain between transcendence and secularism within religious belief and worship. We will thus attempt to find how Taiwan religion has always diligently used traditional cultural morals to find ultimate reasons. This paper will also proceed along the lines of open and philosophical analysis in finding a link between leisure and art. In understanding the humanistic activity involved in Taiwan religion, we can thus see the various affects it has on life here. Leisure life and the values it creates cannot be overlooked and thus needs to be examined and reflected upon.


subjectivity modernity leisure transcendence secularism


Pieper, Josef、劉森堯譯(2003)。閒暇:文化的基礎。台北市:立緒文化公司。
