本篇以俄國當代女作家柳德蜜拉‧烏利茨卡婭(Людмила Улицкая)的長篇小說《您忠實的舒里克》(Искренне ваш Шурик)為研究對象,探討小說在一男多女的風流圖像表面下一段最隱晦的男女關係,即男主角舒里克與母親薇拉。舒里克與薇拉之間的關係如同戀人,但是相較於小說中男主角與其他女性角色暴露的性愛描述,母子間異常親密卻沒有亂倫的關係反而被忽略掉,不見討論。猶太裔的俄國作家烏利茨卡婭處理這對母子關係的態度謹慎,一來不容許母子亂倫,與此同時卻又不時語帶諧謔地點出這對母子背後潛藏的母戀子、子戀母的曖昧情感。本文試圖以此為主題,從猶太家庭傳統、柏拉圖式精神之愛、伊底帕斯情結和戀子情結等方向,探討這對母子之間複雜的情感以及背後產生的因素。
This article focuses on the novel Sincerely Yours Shurik (Искренне ваш Шурик) by the contemporary Russian female writer Ulitskaya (Людмила Улицкая). The novel is known for its descriptions of a man's romance with many women and its bold revelation of women's sexual desire. However, under this surface of multiple sexual liaisons lies a most intimate male-female relationship-that between the protagonist Shurik and his mother Vera. While Shurik and Vera continue their relationship as lovers, their intimacy falls short of incestuous sex and is thus paled by other more explicitly sexual relationships in the novel. Consequently, not much scholarship has been done in this regard. Russian Jewish writer Ulitskaya describes this mother-son relationship with much precaution to avoid overt incest, but meanwhile she from time to time banteringly draws attention to these ambiguous feelings between Shurik and his mother. This paper attempts to explore the complex emotions between mother and son, and the contributing factors of the Jewish Family Tradition, Platonic Love, the Oedipus Complex, and Jocasta Complex.