  • 期刊


Expressing or Suppressing Anger: Subordinates' Anger Responses to Supervisors' Authoritarian Behaviors in a Taiwan Enterprise



威權領導是華人企業組識中一種特有的領導風格之一,即使經過時代移轉,這種權威性仍經由一種泛家族主義的歷程而普遍出現於當代華人企業組織中。本研究之目的,即在探討威權領導行為對部屬的憤怒情緒反應,乃至工作滿意度的影響,以確實了解威權領導對部屬心理反應的作用機制究竟為何。 鑒於威權領導包括了專權作風、貶抑部屬能力、形象整飾、教誨行為等作風,而這些作風又涵蓋了許多引發憤怒情緒感受之前置事件的典型成分,因此本研究推論這些領導行為應會引起部屬的憤怒情緒感受。再者,從中國人權威傾向(或權威基模)、社會權力的基礎、及情緒互動與戲劇理論等三個不同的角度分析,可進一步推論:威權領導行為對部屬的憤怒情緒克制傾向具有預測效果。換言之,領導者越傾向展現威權領導行為,員工對其憤怒情緒的克制傾向也就越強。最後,本研究也認為,在文化規範的影響下,華人社會中的個人已將憤怒情緒表達之克制視為常態,因此憤怒情緒克制對於部屬工作滿意度的影響,將不若實際情緒感受的影響來得強烈。 在針對一家台灣大型本土企業員工進行問卷調查後,結果發現,直屬主管的威權領導行為確實會引起部屬的憤怒情緒感受,並可預測部屬的憤怒情緒克制傾向。另外,研究結果亦發現,威權領導會透過部屬的憤怒情緒感受對其工作滿意度產生負面影響,而非透過憤怒情緒克制之中介歷程影響工作滿意度,顯現西方所謂的「情緒失調」之現象,在非西方社會中是否也會對員工福祉發揮同等的作用,有必要加以省思。本文最後針對研究結果做了深入討論,並對研究可能的限制、未來研究方向、及管理上之應用加以闡述。


Authoritarianism is a traditional leadership style based on hierarchical family structure that still exists in modern Chinese business. Past research seldom examined the relationship between supervisors' authoritarianism and subordinates' emotional responses and well-being. This study intends to explore the influence of supervisors' authoritarianism on subordinates' anger responses and job satisfaction. Authoritarianism consists of four kinds of behaviors: authority and control, underestimation of subordinate competence, image building, and didactic behavior. These behaviors typically evoke anger. We hypothesized that supervisors' authoritarian behaviors would trigger subordinates' anger feeling. Besides, Three different theoretical viewpoints (Chinese authority orientation, social power, and emotional transaction and dramaturgical theory) lead us to contend that when supervisors are authoritarian, subordinates have strong tendency to suppress their anger. Finally, People in Chinese societies treat anger suppression as a normal condition. We hypothesized that the effect of subordinates' anger suppression on job satisfaction would be less profound than the effect of subordinate' real anger feeling on job satisfaction. Results showed that supervisors' authoritarian behaviors do influence their subordinates' anger feeling, and can predict the subordinates' tendency to suppress anger. Further, supervisors' authoritarian behaviors have a negative effect on subordinates' job satisfaction through feeling of anger, but not through the mediating process of anger suppression. These results suggest that the so-called ”emotional dissonance” phenomenon in Western society may not have the same influence on subordinates' well-being in non-Western societies. Implications, limitations, and directions for future research and application in management are discussed.


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