  • 期刊


The Consequences of Coercive Power: The Moderating Roles of Chastening Norms and Leader-member Exchange


本研究檢驗主管使用強制處罰權對於部屬認同主管的影響程度。同時,檢驗華人文化之恨鐵不成鋼規範以及主管與部屬交換關係(LMX)的調節作用。早期學界在探討LMX作用時,傾向強調高品質LMX 關係會引發正面影響力。然而近年來LMX 領域研究陸續發現高品質LMX關係存在矛盾的影響力。本研究將進一步釐清強制處罰權與LMX之間的交互作用適用於哪一種影響力,並探討部屬對於恨鐵不成鋼規範的感受在其中之作用效果。恨鐵不成鋼規範指的是主管採用訓誡、展現嚴厲以及建立高的要求標準,藉此來要求部屬提升表現。本研究分析294位部屬資料,結果顯示:使用強制處罰權對主管認同具有負向影響效果,而僅在高度恨鐵不成鋼規範與高品質LMX 關係時,前述負向效果不具顯著性。此研究顯示出不論是高品質或低品質LMX關係者而言,主管使用強制處罰權都是難以被接受的。然而,在高度認可恨鐵不成鋼規範之下,持有高品質LMX關係的部屬會將主管使用強制處罰權視為愛之深、責之切。我們建議管理階級宜在採取強制處罰之前,需先和部屬發展良好互信的關係。不過,若僅只有良好的交換關係也不足以抵銷主管使用強制處罰權所帶來的後果。研究結果顯示,倘若在缺乏認可恨鐵不成鋼規範之下,持有高品質LMX關係的部屬將會因為主管採取這樣的行為而減少其對主管的認同。本研究將在後續針對主管使用強制處罰權、華人文化與社會交換等內涵,進行更多理論與實務上之討論。


This study examines the influence of supervisor's use of coercive power on employees' identification with the supervisor and the moderator effects of leader-member exchange (LMX) and chastening norms. Early LMX researchers characterized the positive effects of LMX. However, recently the opposite influence has also been found. This study aims to clarify the influence of LMX and the impact of chastening norms (the way in which a supervisor requests their subordinates to improve their performance by adopting disciplined and strict attitudes, and setting up a high requirement goals and standards). In analyzing 294 workers, research show that the negative relationship between supervisor's use of coercive power and employees' identification with the supervisor is attenuated when employees possess high levels of chastening norms and high LMX. These results show that employees with both high and low LMX do not accept their supervisor's use of coercive power. However, if employees believe that chastening norms are appropriate, high LMX employees would thus consider their supervisor's use of coercive power a practice of tough love. We suggest that management should try to develop a trusting relationship with employees before using coercive power. However, developing a good relationship alone (LMX) is not enough to negate the consequences of the supervisor's use of coercive power. Results show that high LMX employees would still show a decrease in their identification with their supervisor (i.e., be hurt more by their supervisors actions) when they do not agree with chastening norms. The more implications of investigating Chinese culture and social exchange for understanding the impact of supervisor's use of coercive power are discussed.


