  • 期刊


Surveying Children's ELT Materials in Taiwan


教材編選是全面實施國小英語教學時,所面臨的各種問題中十分重要的一項。了解市售兒童英語教材的使用狀況,不但可供英語教師們在選擇教材時參考,也可對編寫新教材產生啟發作用。本研究以開放問卷方式調查台灣地區兒童英語教材使用現況。問卷分別寄發台灣地區北、中、南縣市的國小及美語補習班,調查所使用的教材名稱及其優缺點。問卷中也調查由國內學者自編教材的必要性。研究調查顯示,大多數教師使用市售教材,被使用最多的教材包括 Let's Go!、佳音美語、YoYo & NaNa、Max & Mousy、You & Me等。最常被提及的優缺點評論項目為教學內容是否循序漸進、教材內容與生活是否相銜接、活動設計是否富於變化、編寫是否完整、有無輔助教材、教材價格是否合預算、能否和國中英語課程銜接、印刷是否精美、是否適合本國國情、出版者提供教材使用說明會等等。符合這些考量要項越多的教材,就越受到老師們的好評。大多數的回收問卷表示贊同由國內學者自編教材。最後,本文就調查發現,對國內未來的兒童英語教材發展方向提出建議。


This study investigates the current uses of children's ELT materials in Taiwan. A questionnaire was sent to English teachers in different areas of Taiwan to collect information on the frequently used children's ELT materials and the perceived strengths and weaknesses of these materials. Opinions on whether or not new materials should be developed by teachers and EFL scholars in Taiwan were also solicited. The survey results show that most English teachers use imported textbooks and materials that are developed by local English language institutes. Nevertheless, most of the teachers think it is necessary to have more ELT materials that take into consideration the special needs of the children in Taiwan.They suggest that ELT specialists in Taiwan work with native English speakers to develop instructional materials that meet both the needs of the local context and standards of the international ELT community. Based on the survey results, this research suggests ways for the education administrative authority in Taiwan to provide incentives for more locally-produced, high quality ELT materials. In addition, comprehensive surveys and assessment of ELT materials should be conducted periodically by accredited educational research groups and the results should be made available to teachers. It is also suggested that teacher education courses and professional development workshops include sessions that aim at strengthening English teachers' ability in selecting and developing ELT materials.


廖宜筠(2009)。家長觀點與幼兒表徵遊戲之中文語言溝通能力研究- 以雙語班與半美班個案為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-0801201511154781
