  • 期刊


Trade-Offs: The Historical Development of National Curriculum Assessment in England


本文以1988年教育改革法案中的固定課程評量為焦點,採用五個「交互損益」(trade-offs)為架構,來回顧其十年來發展的來時路。第一個交互損益是以評量提昇教育水準對應評量領導教學。評量領導教學這個回浪效應(back wash effect)並沒有嚇阻英國官方以國定課程評量來提昇教育水準的決心。第二個文互損益是多元評量對應可行性(manageability)。頗具學界理想色彩的TGAT在報告中展現了新評量典範的理念,唯這種所謂的「評量文化」禁不起實踐面、可行性的挑戰。第三個交互損益是形成性評量對應總結性評量。TGAT的報告書野心地想以國定課程評量的資料來同時達成形成性、診斷性、總結性以及評鑑性等多種功能,而最終的命運是不抵大環境中的政治意識型態,造成評鑑性目標宰制形成性評量的下場。第四個交互損益是標準參照評量的陽光與陰影。英國國定課程評量的標準乃是由外而內被賦予的,並非透過教師團體協商、修正評分(group moderation)而產生的共享意義。因此,有其陰影面。第五個交互損益是專業理想對應政治關懷。前者通常披著理想的色彩,昂貴而費時、費力但穩健;後者則以效率、可行性為首要的考量。從這些交互損益的分析所呈現的圖像是:專業理想必須通過現實環境中可行性的考驗,並且贏得當權者意識型態關卡的放行才有倖存的機會。


Through the perspectives of five trade-offs, the historical development of National Curriculum Assessment in England has been analysed in this study.The five trade-offs are as follows:1. Employing assessment to raise the educational standard vs. teaching to assessment2. The shift to contextualized assessment vs. manageability3. Formative assessment vs. summative assessment4. The pros and cons of standard-referenced assessment5. Professional ideal vs. political concernThe picture revealed in this analysis is that the professional ideal of assessment can survive only when it can be managed from the aspect of practicality. In addition, it should be confirmed by the mainstream political ideology. This is the reality that the professional should confront.


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