  • 期刊


Yellow Skins, White Masks-Reflecting the Transplantation of Western Curricular Scholarship from the Perspective of Postcolonialism


在若干西方與本土學者的背書與大聲疾呼之下,「全球化」此一語彙與概念早已深植於社會大眾心中。然而,在和諧美好的地球村表象背後,卻也隱含著西方文化霸權與意識型態的支配,在在使我國的教育和課程學術冒著被西方殖民的可能,並經受著「文化主體喪失」以及「去脈絡化」的危機。本文由後殖民批評家Frantz Fanon、Edward W. Said以及Homi K. Bhabha之觀點出發,闡述並反思長久以來台灣教育與課程學界對於西方課程知識體系之移植與依賴,試圖在這樣的反省中尋求若干啟示與建議,期能掙脫西方學術殖民的枷鎖,獲致重建我國課程學術主體的可能性。


Due to the advocacy of some Western and domestic scholars, the term ”globalization” and its concept has already been rooted in the public. However, it also denotes the domination of western cultural hegemony and ideology. There is a possibility that Taiwan's educational and curricular scholarship might be at the risk of being colonized by the Occident and being exposed to the crisis of ”loss of cultural identity” and ”decontextualization”. The essay tries to present the viewpoints of some postcolonial critics such as Fanon and Said and delineates the long-term dependence and transplantation of curricular scholarship in Taiwan on Western knowledge framework, attempts to explore some suggestions and illuminations through such a reflection, hopes to cast off the Western scholarship colonization bondage, and gain the possibility of reconstructing our own curricular scholarship identity of Taiwan.


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