  • 期刊


Reexamine Schoolchildren's Cheating Behavior: The Goal Orientation Approach


本文以Carol Dweck的「目標導向」理論(goal orientation theory)為立論基礎,說明考試作弊除了是一個道德議題,更涉及學生對學習所設定的目標。本文首先介紹Dweck之理論內容,再以一份國內近年所進行之調查研究數據(TEPS)進行統計分析。初探結果支持Dweck之假設,亦即學校經驗對於不同作弊經驗之學生確有不同的意義。他們不但設定不同的學習目標、他們在心理適應、對學校態度、對班級態度以及對老師態度皆有顯著不同。因此本文最後建議:在進行品格教育時,若父母與老師可以進入孩子們的信念系統,並採取認知的觀點來理解孩子們「為什麼」想要作弊,而不是一味只進行道德勸說,將可能會更具建設性。


Cheating on examination was and still is a serious issue in education. Despite the fact that most educators consider cheating an ethical issue, the author in this paper strongly argues that cheating is more than an ethical issue, and it is more complex than we used to think of. In essence, cheating involves how students set up their goals for learning. To explain the complexity of cheating, the author uses Carol Dweck's Goal Orientation Theory to analyze the data provided by Taiwan Educational Panel Survey (TEPS). What the author has found out is that Dweck's ”implicit theory-goal orientation-response pattern” model can fully support her hypothesis in this paper, because students' schooling experiences and their cheatings are highly correlated. In other words, the author contends that cheating cannot be regarded exclusively as an ethical issue, and we may not simple-mindedly call any one who does cheat a vicious person. More importantly, the author further suggests that whenever parents and teachers are practicing character education, they need to put more emphasis upon children's belief system. In practice, both parents and teachers shall not merely give children the so-called moral persuasion. Instead, they should understand more about the reasons ”why” children want to commit cheating (i.e., their goal orientation does matter!).


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