  • 期刊


The Study of Student Attainments in the Course of Philosophy of Life Applied with Immersing Service-Learning Activities


本研究以問卷調查、訪談、觀察及文件分析等方法,探討個案大學人生哲學課程融入服務學習活動與學生學習獲益的關係,總計發出793份問卷,有效問卷為743份,並訪談12名實施服務學習的授課教師、16名志工及2名服務學習中心承辦人員,再以次數分配、t檢定、單因子變異數、多元逐步迴歸等統計分析問卷資料。 研究結果顯示,師生肯定人生哲學課程納入服務學習的設計,學生給予授課教師引導程度的分數最高,亦能擁有良好的學習獲益,尤以認知和態度的改變為最,且服務學習的運作與學生學習獲益呈現顯著正相關,並以學生個人的認知與投入能有效預測其學習獲益。 據此,建議服務學習中心規劃深度志工培訓活動,建立教師設計服務學習的指標,提升志工帶領反思與問題解決能力,且授課教師共同討論服務學習與課程內涵的關連性,具體引導學生瞭解二者結合的學習目標,促發學生的認同及投入,而學生亦須主動積極投入服務學習,開創個人的學習發展及成長。


This study is intended to explore the course of Philosophy of Life applied with immersing service-learning activities with respect to student learning attainments in the subject university. Methods of questionnaire survey, interviews, observations, and documentation analyses were used in the study. There were 793 copies of the questionnaire sent out, with 743 valid returns. There was a total of 30 people interviewed, including 12 teachers who immersed service-learning activities into their courses, 16 student volunteers, and two staff from the Center of Service-Learning. The following statistical methods were adopted to analyze the data collected by the questionnaire survey. These included frequency distribution, t-test, one-way ANOVA, a stepwide multiple regression, etc. The results of the study found that teachers and students in the Philosophy of Life course recognized service-learning when immersed into the courses. From the analyses of the questionnaire survey, students gave the highest score to the teachers in guiding service-learning. Student learning attainments after participating service-learning activities were good with the obvious changes in students' cognition and attitude. A significantly positive relationship was found in the operation both of service-learning and student attainments. Student attainments could be best predicted by the level of students’ perception and involvement of service-learning. According to the findings, the following suggestions are proposed. The Center of Service-Learning needs to plan deeper training courses for the student volunteers. Criteria of designing service-learning in the courses should be established. The student volunteers' abilities of leading reflection and solving problems need to be enhanced. In order to help students have better understanding about the relationship between service-learning and the course, the teachers should discuss the connection between learning outcomes of service-learning and the objectives of the course. With respect to the students, they need to actively take any opportunity involving service-learning in order to gain advanced learning and personal growth.


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