  • 期刊


Inquiry into Equality of Educational Opportunity of Small Elementary Schools in Kaohsiung City after County and City Merge


2010年底唇齒相依的兩個行政區域高雄縣與高雄市正式合併,成為一個新的都會區高雄市。跨越原高雄縣市的行政藩籬,合併後的高雄市如何在「教育與文化資源」上整合,成為大眾關注的焦點。本文目的乃針對縣市合併後的高雄市,國民小學小型學校「教育機會均等」議題進行探究。經由合併前後的高雄縣市教育相關文件的分析,以及一位國小校長教育領導過程中的親身經驗檢視,說明縣市合併後的高雄市小學教育藍圖。其次,從教育機會均等的觀點,探究縣市合併後高雄市12 班(含)以下小型小學所面臨的問題。最後,經過綜合分析後,提出兩層面六項的建議:(一)就學機會均等,應堅守照顧原住民小學,小校發展為特色小學;(二)教育過程均等,應整合法令與資源,發展多元課程與教學,提升師資素質。上述兩層面的建議茲供教育當局參酌,使合併的過程中,有更多實質上與學術性的對話。


There is a new urban Kaohsiung City born at the end of 2010, after the merging of Kaohsiung County and Kaohsiung City, the two districts closely related. Because of cross-border the two administrative divisions, the integration of educational and cultural resources has been focused by the public.The purpose of this article is to inquire into the equality of educational opportunity of small elementary schools in Kaohsiung City after county and city merge. Through analyzing the related educational documents from the two former Kaohsiung governments and in reference of an elementary school principal's experience on educational leadership, the educational blueprint of the new urban city is described. Secondly, the problems that small elementary schools under 12 classes faced on urban Kaohsiung by the equality of educational opportunity are investigated. Finally, suggestions are proposed in two dimensions as a promotion of more academic and practical conversation among the merging process.1. Pursue the equality of educational opportunity in ”access to school” by adhering to protection aboriginal elementary schools and by developing culture traits of small schools.2. Emphasize the equality of educational opportunity in educational process by integrating educational laws, distributing resources, developing diverse curricula and instruction, and improving teachers' quality.


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自由時報(2011)。研商「縣市合併後午餐價格事宜會議」會議報告。2011 年1月20 日。2011 年6 月1 日,取自http://www.libertytimes.com.tw
客家電視台(2011)。教育體制競爭力迷思小校經營難。2011 年4 月9 日。2011年6 月1 日,取自http://web.pts.org.tw/hakka/news/detail.php?id=70075


