  • 期刊

上海學生PISA 2009閱讀高分原因探悉:基於學校系統的視角

Searching for the Reasons of Shanghai Students' High Score in PISA 2009 Reading Assessment with a School System Perspective


中國上海是中國大陸第一個參加PISA測試的地區,上海學生在PISA 2009閱讀素養測試中的突出表現,引發了眾多專家學者的關注與反思。本研究旨在從學校系統的視角對上海學生PISA 2009閱讀高分背後的原因加以探析。本研究通過訪談、課堂觀察等方法收集相關資料,從校本課程、課堂教學、校本教研、教師專業化發展等維度對資料加以分析,得出以下結論:校本語文課程有利於提升學生的學習參與度、全面提升學生的語文素養;語文課堂教學模式以講授式為主、教學效率高、且注重閱讀方法教學;具有中國特色的校本教研是聯結教師與教學的紐帶;教師專業化發展得到充分的學校制度保障和環境支援。


Shanghai is the first region in Mainland China that participated in PISA. Shanghai students' high score in PISA 2009 Reading assessment has drawn attention of scholars and inspired the reflective thinking of experts. The purpose of the study is to explore the reasons of Shanghai students' high score in PISA 2009 reading assessment with a school system perspective. After collecting the in-depth school level data and materials by school visit, classroom observation, and teacher interview, the study analyzes the materials in four aspects, which included school-based curriculum, classroom instruction, school-based teaching research, and teacher professional development. The study finds that the following 4 points are significant for successful reading education: school-based Chinese Language curriculum which is beneficial to stimulate students' engagement and improve their overall reading competency; effective classroom instruction emphasize reading strategies; school-based teaching research with Chinese characteristics that connects the instruction and teachers tightly; teachers' professional development with school policy insurance and resource support.


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