  • 期刊


Effects of Personalized Contexts in Computer-Assisted Instruction of Elementary Algebra Word Problems


本研究之目的為發展個人化電腦輔助教學軟體,以評估個人化文本對國小學生學習數學代數文字題的影響。本研究採準實驗法,以基隆市某國小86名四年級學生為研究對象。將學生分配至實驗組與對照組;實驗組接受個人化電腦輔助教學,對照組則接受非個人化電腦輔助教學。兩組學生均完成「未知數電腦輔助教學課程」然後接受「學習成就測驗」及「學習態度問卷」。教學實驗結果的主要發現為:1. 個人化教學組與非個人化教學組的學生,在數學代數學習的整體表現上,沒有顯著差異。2. 在學習態度方面,個人化教學組的學生比非個人化教學組的學生表現得更積極,並且達到顯著性差異。


The purpose of the study was to develop a personalized computer-assisted instruction (CAI) program and to evaluate the effects of personalized contexts on elementary school students to study algebra word problems. A quasi-experimental design was adopted and eighty-six fourth grade students in Keelung were selected as the subjects. Subjects were systematically and randomly assigned to either the experimental or control group. All students completed an instruction curriculum of algebra word problems. After that, an achievement test and an attitude survey were conducted. The major findings of the study were: 1. There was no significant difference in the overall performance between the personalized and the non-personalized group. 2. The students in the personalized group showed a more positive attitude towards the CAI program than the non-personalized group.


教育部(2009)。國民教育司網站,2010 年6 月1 日,取自於 http://www.edu.tw/eje/index.aspx
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