  • 期刊

Effective Linguistics Learning Through a Task Analysis of Authentic Materials





This study explored undergraduates' perceptions of the tasks of analyzing authentic materials to facilitate linguistics learning. Fifty-one sophomore English majors at a university in southern Taiwan participated in the study, which focused on perceptions of the task of applying linguistics concepts to identify characteristics of morphology and semantics in commercials and lyrics. Students were divided into twelve groups of four or five students each. Each group was required to analyze one English commercial, one Chinese commercial, one set of lyrics in English, and one set of lyrics in Chinese, each of which was selected by one of the four group members. A qualitative approach was adopted as the research methodology for this study. The data were collected through papers about 28 commercials and 24 lyric sets, as well as reflections conducted at the end of the course. The findings showed the following: (1) the most conspicuous characteristics identified related to morphology were conversion, compounding, and blending; semantic roles, metonymy and polysemy were the most obvious semantic features identified; (2) the students in this study considered the search for appropriate commercials or lyrics (materials) to be the most difficult part of the task completion process; (3) the students cooperated with peers in analyzing authentic materials (commercials and lyrics) by means of the practice of linguistics theory; (4) the majority of students had positive comments/attitudes toward the group task, overcoming their difficulties in applying linguistics knowledge, using resources, enhancing their linguistics knowledge related to everyday life, promoting their interest in discerning linguistics variations and pursuing knowledge. From the results elicited during the study we obtained implications for pedagogical improvements and the assignment of linguistics tasks within the context of Taiwanese college English.


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