

本文以教學敘事的方式,呈現一個非學校型態教學現場的實踐歷程,此研究以行動研究方式進行,研究者-「我」在一個非學校型態場域「五味屋」(類似社區兒童青少年中心的地方),以參與式觀察的方式進行探究:從實際的行動策略中探究如何理解與幫助弱勢學習者。我們以Maxine Greene的「教師即陌生人」的概念為基礎,試圖找出實踐上述抽象概念的具體模式,解析、評述「陌生人」如何在教育的現場成為可能的教師專業發展形式。我們深刻理解到「真知,才能相助」:原來那些被我們以為是「受助者」的對象,其實是我們的老師,他們先幫助我們理解弱勢孩子們所處的貧窮與教育剝奪真實處境,我們對他們的幫助才成為可能。


In this paper, I want to elaborate the teaching practice in an non-schooling environment from several pedagogical narratives. I use action research and participatory observation as my research methods to show how I try to find the teaching method to understand and help the minority/disadvantage learners in a second-handed charity shop which is similar to the community youth center. Based on Maxine Greene's concept "teacher as stranger," what we have done is trying to find the practice model of this abstract idea. We want to argue being a "stranger" in an educational environment and how this concept can be one of the possible ways for the professional development of the educator. From these experiences, we realize that only a well understanding towards the specific situations leads to mutual-help-those whom we see as "help receivers" actually are teachers helping us understand the real situation of poverty and educational deprivation where those disadvantage children have been situated. This understanding in turn makes the help possible for them from us.


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