  • 期刊

從R. Mayer多媒體學習認知理論探討教師使用「兒童文化館」電子繪本之經驗

Teachers' Experiences of Using Electronic Picture Books for Teaching Purposes Based on R. Mayer's Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning


文化部建置的「兒童文化館」網站所提供的電子繪本是目前許多小學教師常用的多媒體繪本教材。有鑑於電子繪本逐漸成為重要的多媒體教學媒材之一,本研究依據美國心理學家Richard E. Mayer「多媒體學習認知理論」中所提出的多媒體學習原則,從教師教學使用經驗,檢視「兒童文化館」網站「繪本花園」和「主題閱讀」兩個專區的電子繪本設計特性以及教師教學運用方式。本研究結果顯示,「兒童文化館」網站電子繪本設計大多符合「主動處理假設」、「一致性原則」、「信號提示原則」、「空間鄰近原則」、「時間鄰近原則」和「分散注意力原則」,運用電子繪本時,教師會運用「分割原則」和「聲音原則」進行教學。教師普遍認為「動畫」、「旁白」與「字幕」多種訊息應同時呈現在同一畫面中,才能提升學習成效的觀點,與Mayer提出的「冗餘原則」及「形式原則」互有衝突。當「兒童文化館」電子繪本的旁白效果不佳時,教師會運用Mayer的「個人化原則」,以兒童較親切熟悉的語氣和聲調進行旁白配音,以提升學生的學習動機。


For many primary school teachers, the electronic picture books provided on the Children Website of the Ministry of Culture are usually treated as multimedia instructional materials. Due to the increasingly important role of the electronic picture books in multimedia instructional materials, the present study aims to examine the design and teaching approaches of the electronic picture books presented on the Children Website based on Richard E. Mayer's Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and Principles of Multimedia Learning. The findings reveal that the design of the Children Website resonates with 'Active-processing Assumption', 'Signalling Principle', 'Spatial Contiguity Principle', 'Temporal Contiguity Principle', 'Split-attention Principle', and 'Voice Principle' developed by Mayer. The teachers generally believe that showing "animation", "background narrative" and "subtitle" on the screen at the same time enhances students' learning outcomes. Yet, the findings are not congruent with Mayer's 'Redundancy Principle' and 'Modality Principle'. In addition, in order to increase students' learning motivation, teachers tend to apply Mayer's 'Personalization Principle' while telling a story with the tones which are familiar to students, particularly when the built-in tones of the electronic picture books fail to interest students.


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