  • 期刊


The Effects of Taiwanese-Japanese and Taiwanese-Singaporean Exchange Activities upon Primary Students' Intercultural Communication Skills




Intercultural communication is an important interdisciplinary domain. To enhance students' intercultural communication skills not only relies on language- and culture-related curriculum, but also depends on international exchange activities within international education. This research explored the possible effects upon students' intercultural communication skills promoted by international exchange activities in two primary schools, one for Taiwanese-Japanese and the other for Taiwanese-Singaporean. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and observations were employed to collect data. Field notes were also accompanied in observations, and worksheets were used for the questionnaires to collect students' comments and reflections with 38 students were interviewed afterwards. The findings showed that international exchange activities did facilitate participants' foreign language learning. The participants perceived and employed nonverbal behaviors, adopted sociolinguistic skills to discover the nuances of usage of a language between different countries. They applied observing and listening skills, expressed empathy, as well as reflected on and improved interpersonal relationship. They also expanded their spectrum of communication behavior. However, their incompetence of foreign language prevented them from applying listening skills well and hindered them to develop a good interpersonal relationship. The nuances of usage of a language between different countries led them to a comprehension difficulty, and their intercultural interpersonal skills needed improvement, too. Finally, some suggestions on educational practices and further research are followed.


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