  • 期刊

SARS 與中國政治制度的危機管理

SARS and the Crisis Management in China's Political System


SARS在中國大陸的爆發、蔓延及其政府對該危機的處理方式,為研究中國政治制度提供了一個特殊個案。本文認為,如果要對這個事件達成一個客觀的看法,就必須認識SARS 在中國剛開始蔓延時的政治環境及其政府對事故發生的一貫處事方式。 中國政府在應付和處理這一事件的過程中,使得國家政治制度中存在的諸多弊病暴露無遺。其中最嚴重的制度弊端為部門主義,即各個權力系統之間的分割和不協調。其他還包括地方主義、政府和軍隊之間的權力分割,以及城鄉差距等問題。從另一個角度來看,中國政府應付和處理這一事件的過程也顯示出其政治制度的優勢。當中共高層認識到SARS 不是純粹的醫療問題後,即動員全國資源來遏止其繼續蔓延。同時,中國領導人也在各種外交場合亮相,積極彌補因初期反應遲鈍對中國國際形象所造成的損害。 SARS會不會導致政治民主化,還是一個值得辯論的課題。在短期和中期看來,中國高層有可能改進中國政治制度的透明化和加強問責制度,進而協調部門主義和創造一個更全面的社會保障系統,以更好方式應對日益複雜的社會需求。至於SARS 會不會最終導致中國政治民主這個說法,我們認為這是一個不切實際而稍微幼稚的觀點。


The outbreak and spread of SARS within China provides an interesting case study of crisis management in such a big and complex country. To reach at a balanced view of how the SARS crisis was managed, this paper argues that it is important firstly to understand the prevailing political context in which the SARS crisis first broke out and China's usual way of handling unpleasant events or news. This would explain, to a large extent, the initial lacklustre reaction of the Chinese authorities to the outbreak of the disease. To some extent, SARS has brought in the inherent weaknesses of China's political system namely in terms of its bureaucratic fragmentation, central-local government relations, civilian-military relations, and the urban-rural divide. However, pointing out these weaknesses, the authors are not advocating that the entire political system should be revamped, rather, the system could be fine-tuned. In fact, the authors have highlighted the ability of China's political system to marshal the necessary resources to curb the spread of the disease. And instrumental in this mobilisation is the leadership provided by Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. The SARS outbreak may lead to China's limited political democratisation. In the short to medium term, the top leadership is likely to continue with on-going efforts at improving the transparency and accountability of the political system, streamlining the bureaucracy and devising a more comprehensive social security and health care system. All these are necessary to a better respond to the needs of a more diverse and complicated society. But whether this would lead to democracy in China is a debatable point.




