  • 期刊


From Rational to Structural Gaming: Rethinking the Cross-Strait Relations Structural Gamings




The interactional ”structure” between the both of the Taiwan Strait is often regarded as an ”existing” and ”unchangeable” fact in the process of operation and evaluation, and taken as a starting point of rational choice or gaming. This, however, is an unrealistic mode of analysis and not dissimilar to a rational gaming undertaken in a vacuum, totally neglecting the dialectical interactions between the subject of actor and the structure. Such a reductive thinking leads cross-strait relations to a deadlock/stalemate. The present paper proceeds from the position of ”structural gaming,” it avoids the pitfall of the structurally constrained subject-object dualism in the rational gaming. The paper discusses the combinatory function of structural existence and rational choice gaming, emphasizes on the dialectic between the structure and the subject of action, and explores how breakthroughs in the cross-strait relations might be achieved through the insight of structural gaming.


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