  • 期刊


The Effects of Cross-Strait Enterprises' Post-Merger Integration on Product Development Performance: An External and Internal Integration Perspective


兩岸地區之企業於近半世紀屬於不同政治實體所管理。從敵對到經貿合作、兩岸企業合併後之整併議題更顯重要。過程中利益關係人對此新的組織多持高度之期待;整併過程中策略夥伴及競爭者之競合關係會改變,主併企業經由整合、內化外部資源取得競爭優勢。本研究結合學術理論與管理實務,探討購併後內外部整合和新產品開發績效之關係,實證研究之問卷回收有效樣本數為250份,施測企業主要為設立於大中華地區之企業,採用索貝爾檢定(Sobel t test)影響新產品開發績效之中介效果。本研究結果提供購併後整合管理決策之建議。


New product development (NPD) is a complicated task which requires cooperation among multiple functional units, while the evolution of NPD systems is accompanied by an evolution in the integration domain. Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) may alter positions between competitors and partners, as the resources and core competence that competitors own may be internalized through integration to become competitive advantages of the acquiring company. This study examines the benefits and effects of post-merger integration on NPD performance, and the analysis includes confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). The analytical results indicate that there exists a positive correlation between external integration and internal integration. Although external integration is positively related to new product competitive advantage (NPCA), internal integration is not positively correlated with NPCA. Furthermore, shared product vision is positively correlated with NPCA and NPD performance, and NPCA is positively correlated with NPD performance. In addition, an examination of the mediation effect in terms of the Sobel t test indicates that NPCA significantly mediates the influence of integration on NPD performance. Furthermore, this study provides a framework for managing post-merger integration and concludes by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of the research findings.


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