  • 期刊


Implications of Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory for Physical Education Teaching


認知心理學派的代表人物之一的皮亞傑(Piaget, 1896-1980),其所建構的認知發展理論影響教育領域甚為深遠,不僅應用廣泛,亦為同時代及後期的心理學家、教育學家帶來諸多的啟發。本文擬從認知發展論出發,以文獻回顧之方式,分析其對學校體育教學所能帶來的啟示。本文先對認知發展論中的核心要素作一簡要說明以利讀者理解。其次針對其所引發之啟示做一闡述,所獲概念有四:(一)探討體育教學與認知發展論之關係;(二)注意生理與心理發展之連結;(三)教師依照兒童思維模式調整教學策略;(四)強調「基模」之建立與連結。皮亞傑所建立之學說在各領域中被廣泛研究討論與批判,本文之結論僅為冰山一角,其目的在供體育教學者參考與後續啟示之用。


An authority in the school of cognitive psychology, Jean Piaget (1896-1980), constructed the Cognitive Development Theory, which had far-reaching effects in the field of education. The theory is not only widely applied, but also become an inspiration to many psychologists and educators of the contemporary and later periods. This paper conducted by literature review and research on cognitive development to analyze its implications on the physical education teaching in schools. This paper first presented a brief introduction to the core elements of the Cognitive Development Theory to provide readers a background understanding. Next, an overview of the implications of the theory was presented with four concepts: 1. analysis of the correlation between physical education teaching and cognitive development theory; 2. emphasis on the connection between physiological and psychological development; 3. adjustment of the teacher's teaching strategy to fit the thinking models of children; 4. focus on the establishment and connection of the ”schema.” The theory proposed by Piaget are widely studied, discussed, and criticized in many fields. The conclusion of this paper covered merely the tip of the iceberg, as this paper was aimed to provide physical education teachers a reference for future thought development.


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