  • 期刊


Elastic Band Resistance Training Improved Muscular Fitness in Older Adults




低強度 減少失能 居家器材


It is well documented that the losses of muscular strength and muscle mass with age and physical inactivity are associated with an increased risk for a variety of diseases and an increased susceptibility to disability among the elderly. Regular physical activity can prevent chronic diseases, and improve physical function, independent living and quality of life. However, for the frail or disabled elderly, engaging in physical activity seems more difficult. It is essential to develop specific, accessible activity programs for those in strong need. Elastic band exercise is commonly used for therapeutic resistance training because of its low cost, simplicity, portability, versatility, and non-reliance on gravity for resistance. Exercises with elastic band are used for home training and allow large numbers of arcs of motion with both concentric and eccentric muscle contractions. Previous studies have shown that resistance training with elastic band can improve muscular fitness and associated physical and psychological functions of the older people. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between aging, muscular fitness and health. We will also review the model and effectiveness of different kinds of resistance training and literatures of elastic band resistance training for the elderly.


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