  • 期刊


Team, Training Division of Labor and Cooperation Methods of University Basketball Association in Taiwan: Taking National Taiwan Normal University Men's Basketball Team for Example


美國大學籃球史上最偉大的教練之一,約翰‧伍登(John Wooden)曾說過:「為了讓團隊成功,必須渴望去幫助其他人,去分享手中的『球』:無論這『球』指的是資訊、人脈、經驗、信用與點子」(Wooden & Jamison, 2007/2015)。過去的運動團隊教練領導風格研究,其關注焦點多集中在教練個人領導所表現出的行為與特徵,忽略團隊內部其他成員的貢獻,因此容易變強權的獨裁領導,造成內部衝突或是經營管理績效不佳。本文目的主要是探討近年來頗具盛行的團隊分工訓練模式,其模式注重於團隊之間的互動以及分工合作,以總教練為首,授權給團隊中的管理階層人員,使其增權賦能,發揮各自所長,幫助團隊達成目標。本文將以質性研究的方式,親身參與臺師大籃球隊運作,經由第一現場的觀察與資料蒐集,建構第一手資料,以供給相關團隊之領導者與人員之參考。由研究結果得知臺師大籃球隊內部分工細膩,共分為:總教練、助理教練、體能教練、戰術分析教練、防護員、球隊管理、球隊經理。由總教練為球隊中心發號司令,其他成員各司其職,在明確的分工下,讓球員們能接受更完善的訓練,進而提升競賽成績。未來研究建議固定人力資源配置、專項訓練員分工再精細、加強團隊之間橫向聯繫,使成為一個完整的成功領導團隊。


John Wooden, one of the greatest American university basketball coaches of all time, once said, "in order to succeed as a team, we must desire to help others, to share the 'ball' in our hands: No matter if this ball is resources, relationship, experience, confidence or ideas." In the past, research on leadership styles of sports coaches has mainly focused on the distinctive features and behavior of coaches, often neglecting the contributions of the players within the team. This misdirected focus could potentially lead to authoritarian leadership, internal conflicts and/or low efficiency in overall management. This article discusses the divisions of training methods prevalent in recent years. These focus on cooperation and team interaction, keeping the coach as the head of the team, and giving authority to managers, thus bringing out each other s strengths and helping the team to achieve their goal. This qualitative research employs first-hand observation and data collection of National Taiwan Normal University's basketball team activities and training to provide information to team leaders and staff for consideration. Through the results of the research, it is evident that NTNU's basketball interior organization is organized as follows: Head coach, assistant coach, fitness coach, strategy analysis coach, athletic trainer, head team manager, and team manager. Having a clear distribution of responsibilities, with the head coach as the chief executive and subordinate members focusing on their specific duties, allows team members to receive more excellent training which in turn increases competitive performance. Future research proposals encompass allocation of manpower, a more meticulous account of specialist trainers' division of labor, and reinforcing lateral ties within the team which will promote an intact and successful leadership team.


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